What service do I book?

  • You should book an appointment for Gel-X extensions. After discussing your life-style & needs we will choose the nail length & shape that works best for you. Please be sure to book a removal if you have product on your nails already.

  • Getting regular manicures is one of the best remedies for nail biters. I’ve had great success in helping nail biters quit the habit, or at least reduce it. While your retention might not be the best in the beginning of your journey (working with gel over bitten nails can be a bit like building a house on a shakey foundation), you can heal your nails & i am here to (literally) hold your hand through it.

  • You should book a builder/structured gel manicure to start & builder/structured gel fills every 3-4 weeks from there. Over several appointments we will achieve and maintain your desired length.

  • Great!! I’m so excited to work with you. I offer nail art as an add on service in 15 minute intervals. The overall price depends on the intricacy of the design. Please see some examples below if you’re unsure of how much time to book. If you’re still not sure please reach out via DM or email with your idea :)